Sunday, March 09, 2008

Council Plans For Your Future – Have Your Say

The Council is currently preparing its Core Strategy document, which will set the foundation for the Local Development Framework. This is the successor to the 2006 Unitary Development plan (UDP).

In 2006 the last UDP downgraded Blackheath Standard from the fourth largest District Shopping centre in the borough to a local centre, removing much of the protection that small retailers in Old Dover Road had previously enjoyed. It also quietly removed ‘Community Open Space’ status from part of the grounds of Mycenae House, even though it was in an area of public open space deficiency, where it was official Council policy to increase the provision of public open space and improve access.

The Council says it wishes to involve residents from the earliest stages of creating this new document. To achieve this, comments are invited on the key planning issues affecting the borough and the options for addressing them. Questionnaires can be completed online, or downloaded from

Comments must be submitted before 7th April. Vigilance is important to ensure Westcombe Park does not suffer further setbacks in the new plans.

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