Thursday, November 03, 2005

Policing in Westcombe Park

A question that is to be asked at the next area, Time To Listen meeting to be held at John Roan (Upper) School, Maze Hill, on 21st November at 7.00 pm;

Many local residents are greatly concerned about the incidents that occurred in September, in which a large group of hooded youths created mayhem and terrorized residents in Venn House and the surrounding area in Westcombe Park Road and Coleraine Road. Seemoingly they were in search of a cannabis factory that was subsequently discoverd by local residents.

Following this night of violence, in which the police were called out four times, there have been a number of local incidents which, though small in themselves, add up to a very threatening environment for local residents. Incidents have included: stones being hurled at passers-by; fights and disputes centring in particular in and around the phone box in Westcombe Park Road; evidence of illicit drug dealing; a number of incidents of car crime especially in Mycenae Road (in one case, a car with foreign number plates was defaced with very obscene graffiti). At one stage, local residents found it necessary to mount their own street patrols.

Residents feel that ome criminal elements may have come in from other areas that are more heavily policed. Whether that is true or not, there is an overwhelming feeling that the Westcombe Park area is currently under-policed, and the Westcombe Society, on behalf of residents, wish to urge Councillors to support our plea for an accelerated police programme, so that our area gets the police protection it clearly now requires.

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